Instructions on what a fire shield should be like

In accordance with GOST, the optimal dimensions of fire shields are those that allow, if necessary, to quickly obtain or remove primary fire extinguishing means from it. As a rule, the dimensions of a fire shield in length and width do not exceed one and a half meters. The fire sign must indicate the telephone number of the fire department located nearby.

According to GOST, the fire shield kit must include the following primary fire extinguishing agents:

  • The crowbar must have a length equal to 110 cm and weigh at least four and a half kilograms.
  • The gaff should have a length of no more than two meters and weigh at least five kilograms.
  • Bayonet or shovel shovel. The length of the cutting varies from 110 cm to 130 cm.
  • Cone-shaped bucket with a volume of at least 0.008 m3.
  • Ax (used to open roofs, doors and windows). The ax should not have any knots or chips.
  • The fire-resistant fabric must be in a fabric cover or polymer container.
  • The fire shield can be equipped with a fire extinguisher.
  • There is also a box of sand placed near the fire shield.


Basic requirements for fire shields:

  • The fire shield is placed where, if necessary, you can quickly approach and quickly take fire equipment.
  • Fire shields (stands) must be installed in such a way as not to block the emergency exit from the building (premises).
  • Fire shields are located in rooms not equipped with fire hydrants, as well as in rooms not equipped with automatic fire extinguishing systems.
  • Fire shields are installed on the territory of production enterprises if an open source of water is located at a remote distance (more than one hundred meters).

Types and photos

The closed metal fire shield is made of thin-walled but high-strength steel. The fire shield must be painted red. To prevent the use of primary fire extinguishing agents for purposes other than their intended purpose, fire shields are equipped with a protective mesh, or can initially be manufactured with all-metal doors.

The configuration of a fire shield of category “ShchP-V” implies extinguishing class “B” fires, that is, the combustion of liquid substances. The set of a fire shield of this category must include: fire extinguishers (OVP-10, ORP-5, OP-10); scrap; one cone-shaped bucket; two shovels (scoop and bayonet); nightmare; sand storage box.

An open-type fire shield is structurally a metal sheet of a certain size or a sheet of moisture-resistant plywood, equipped with special hooks through which fire equipment will be attached.

The fire shield for gas stations must be classified as category “B” shield. But if the gas station provides for the refueling of large equipment, then additionally the fire panels must be equipped with two mobile powder fire extinguishers with a volume of at least 50 liters each.

The design of the fire shield "Combi" provides for the combination of a rotating container for sand and a closing lid for storing fire equipment. Additionally, the shield can be equipped with fire extinguishers; there are special mounts for them on the sides of the structure.

The fireman's shield with a sand box includes a metal box with a hinged lid for storing dry sand. It is allowed to install a sand box made of plastic, but in this case the room must have a low level of flammability. Read the overview of the characteristics of the Starline a91 car alarm

Fireman's shield of the "ShchPP" category. The complete set of this fire panel includes: fire extinguishers (OVP-10, OP-5); scrap; bayonet shovel; cone-shaped bucket; asbestos sheet; protective screen; carts with a water container with a volume of at least 0.2 m3; a hand pump and a five meter long hose.

Why are the buckets conical?

The cone fire bucket is designed to deliver water and sand to the fire site. There are many versions of the answer to the question “Why are fire buckets made cone-shaped?”

Main versions:

  • a cone-shaped bucket is more convenient for scooping up water and sand;
  • in winter, a container of water or a nearby body of water may be covered with a crust of ice; the top of a cone-shaped bucket is very convenient for breaking such ice;
  • with a full cone-shaped bucket it’s easier to run to the place of the fire (the bucket, unlike an ordinary bucket, does not knock off your legs when running);
  • from a cone-shaped bucket, water splashes further and more purposefully;
  • Moreover, such a unique shape minimizes the risk of theft of fire buckets from a fire shield, since such buckets are unlikely to be useful in everyday life.

Cost of fire shields

The metal stand “Combi” will cost from 5,000 rubles. up to 6,000 rubles;

A complete wooden fire shield of the open type will cost 2,000 rubles;

A closed-type metal fire shield without a kit costs RUB 4,500.

Where to buy fire shields?

Where to buy in Moscow:

  1. LLC "Fire Society", st. B. Pionerskaya, 40/11. Tel.: + 7 (495) 647-84-47;
  2. LLC "SpetsTechConsulting", st. Yuzhnoportovaya, 5, bldg. 15. Tel.: + 7 (495) 215-54-75;
  3. BrandService company, st. Tsimlyanskaya, 30. Tel.: + 7 (495) 359-99-69.

Where to buy in St. Petersburg:

  1. Spasengineering company, 9th January Ave., 3. Tel.: + 7 (812) 244-43-15;
  2. GC "National Fire Company", st. Zastavskaya, 7, BC "MEGA-Park", office. 304. Tel.: + 7 (812) 331-20-26
  3. Company "GosPozhTekhnika", emb. Sinopskaya, 30, lit. N. Tel.: + 7 (812) 339-93-52.


Watch the video for complete information about fire shields:

Installation of a complete fire shield at an enterprise is a guarantee of timely elimination of the source of fire. The main thing is to periodically inspect the fire shield: check the expiration dates of fire extinguishers; the sand must be dry; clean fire equipment from dirt, dust and corrosion; restore protective paint.

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