How to open any intercom - practical tips

The process of developing and entering special numbers for intercoms into the lock is carried out at the stage of manufacturing the device, so most often they are the same for all models of the same company. But they may change depending on the wishes of the representative company.

But often, devices that have not been reprogrammed end up on the sales market, which means that almost every modern person can easily enter an entrance with an installed lock if they know the required combination of numbers.

Legislative justification

In accordance with the provisions of the current legislation, anyone who has forgotten the keys to the entrance, lost them, or, if necessary, to urgently get into the house, can open the doors of the entrance, garage or office by dialing the necessary numbers in a certain sequence. It is also allowed to use the code if, for example, a person was invited to visit, but a friend (girlfriend) does not answer the call on the intercom.

However, hacking doors and electronic locks in this way, for fraudulent purposes, for profit, robbery and robbery is strictly prohibited by law. Otherwise, criminal penalties follow.


The intercom of this company is characterized as one of the most reliable, which is almost impossible to open! This is a myth! The manufacturer regulates its products as equipment that requires a mandatory change of factory settings, but you can still try to hack Factorial!

In order for the SIM to open, you need to enter the six-digit code 000000 and 123456 on the keyboard panel.

If in this case the door does not open, there is an additional option, a sequential key combination:

  1. "180180".
  2. "call button"
  3. "call".


A fairly simple intercom, with a system circuit using Factorial technology.

Such a device can be opened in three different ways:

  1. It is necessary to enter sequentially the following combination of numbers and keys located on the control panel:
    • "Call button."
    • “Number of the 1st apartment of the entrance.”
    • "Call button."
    • "The display shows the word COD."
    • "5702".
  2. If the first method does not give the expected results, you should use the second method:
    • "65535"
    • "call"
    • "1234"
    • "call"
  3. The third method is much simpler, but requires entering prime numbers accurately and consistently:
    • "1234"
    • "Call"
    • "Challenge Again"
    • "4568"

Metakom locks have a model MK - 20 M/T, the opening of which is significantly different from other standard types and involves two opening methods:

  1. First method:
    • "Call".
    • "27".
    • "Call".
    • "5702".
  2. Second method:
    • "Call".
    • "Call".
    • "4526".


Today, the equipment of the Visit company is as reliable and safe as possible from burglars and intruders, in comparison with analogue options. This is due to the presence of a large database of system codes and keys, which are not so easy to pick up in the future. The company's employees pay special attention to experiments with system programming of their intercoms.

However, if the supplier company has not changed the factory settings of the system, you can try to hack them by entering the following combinations to choose from:

  1. *#423.
  2. 12#345.
  3. 67#890.
  4. *#4230.

In addition to this method, you can use the device service menu, to activate which you need to press the #999 keys, after which two short beeps will sound and you can enter the standard code 1234 or 0000; 9999; 3535; 12345; 6767.

If after this one signal sounds, the door has yielded to opening; if two signals, unfortunately, all attempts were in vain.

To adjust the menu options of the Visit intercom company, you should know several basic rules and techniques that can greatly facilitate the process of using the system in a wide variety of life situations:

  1. Buttons: “2” - pause:
    • “#” is the second pause.
    • “3535” - opening the door.
  2. Buttons: “3” - copy of the key to the intercom: “#” — entering the attached key into the system database.
    • “4” - delete all saved keys from the memory database.
    • “#” - confirms all changes and settings.
    • “*” - exits the menu option.


In order to enter an entrance or house on which a Digital lock is installed, you can use two proposed methods:

  1. The following steps must be followed sequentially:
    • Enter “07054” or press “call”.
    • Press “41” or “call”, “1410”.
  2. The second case will be relevant if the house has apartments numbered 100, 200, 300, 400, then:
    • Press "call".
    • Enter apartment number 100 or 200.
    • Press "call".
    • Enter the combination “2323” or “7272” or “7273”.


Such electronic systems are the simplest, both to use and to open without a special key. This is due to the fact that almost all codes and electronic keys are standard and of the same type.

To open such a door without a special key, you will need only two simple combinations that will surely work:

  1. "Call" + "2323".
  2. “Call” + “7273”.


The intercom from this company is the most reliable, which almost no burglar can crack, especially an inexperienced person encountering such a problem for the first time.

To open such an electronic lock, there are only two combinations, when used, not all doors open:

  1. Press the “K” button:
    • Combination "100".
    • “789” (followed by a beep).
    • "123456".
  2. Press the "K" key:
    • “170862” (followed by a beep)

Universal key

Today, doors with electronic locks are so common that they are installed in almost every home and in every entrance. The technology on which they are based is called Touch memory, which is opened with a special key-tablet.

And if there are many such doors, it means that each person will have to carry several of these keys on their key ring: for home, office, garage, etc. This is quite inconvenient and impractical, which is why a universal electronic key for the intercom was created that opens everything doors from various manufacturers.

1. Where to buy

Today, such universal electronic keys are widespread, so purchasing them is not difficult. For example, it is very easy to buy such a key on the Internet, in special stores, in repair departments and in the provision of services for the production of individual keys.

2. How much does it cost?

Special universal keys for intercoms have different prices, depending on the manufacturer and configuration, on average, today the price ranges from 300 rubles to 600 rubles.

Universal keys open up to 90% of electronic magnetic and mechanical locks, as well as many doors made in China.

3. How it works

These keys have a specially designed chip inside that contains 64-bit code developed by specialist manufacturers. The code consists of a 48-bit unique serial number, an 8-bit code and an 8-bit checksum code.

Upon contact with the door electronic panel, the developed code is transmitted over a single-wire bus in serial form. So, the code is read by a receiving device, a memory device, which emits a sound signal when the doors are opened.

Pros and cons

Such keys are becoming necessary and relevant for workers in the following specialties:

  1. Postmen.
  2. Policemen.
  3. Couriers.
  4. Housing and communal services employees.
  5. Doctors.
  6. Repairers (plumbers, mechanics).
  1. Before trying to use one of the above combinations, it is recommended to try calling one of the apartments and politely and tactfully explain the current situation in “human language”. In many situations there are good-natured people who understand the complexity of what is happening and open doors.
  2. There are several methods for unlocking an electronic door using a stun gun; to do this, you need to attach the working device to the reader panel and apply a shock.
  3. You can use force to break such locks (for men), to do this you need to hit 10 cm below the reading panel, in the place where the electronics are directly located.
  4. All of the above options for pressing buttons and entering numbers to open electronic locks are only relevant if the customizer has not changed the factory code combinations.
  5. The combinations are quite varied, depending on the purchased model and series of a particular lock.
  6. If you need to pick a lock in the winter, everything is done much easier. You need to take a lump of snow and place it on the keyboard panel. The lock can be opened after an error message appears on the screen. This is due to the fact that with a strong temperature drop, the lock malfunctions due to hypothermia.
  7. For locks with a magnetic system (important! without mechanics), you can open it using your own force. It is necessary to place your foot on the side where the door directly opens and pull the handle firmly - the door will definitely open.

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